Our privacy policy

In short

BabyFitUk does not collect or share personal information. We don't track or profile you.

The longer version

BabyFitUk is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its user community and is dedicated to ensure that any usage of the BabyFit App is not collected by us. This privacy policy details below gives more information.

What is “Personal Information”

Information is regarded as personal when it tells something about a human being who is or can be (uniquely) identified.
This definition stems from European law, which applies to BabyFitUk, and is intentionally broad in order to provide a high level of privacy protection.

This means, for example, that not just names and e-mail addresses can be personal information, but also numbers or other identifiers, such as your IP-address, to the extent that they link other information to a specific human being.

Data Collection

We don't collect any personal information about users of the BabyFit App.
This is a first and very important condition to safeguard your privacy. If personal information isn’t collected, it can’t be stolen, demanded, leaked or exposed.

Email Addresses

BabyFitUk will not sell or disclose your contact information to any third parties.
When you send comments, questions, suggestions, or feedback to BabyFitUk via email or through our support center, and include an email address and/or contact information, BabyFitUk may use this information to respond to you. BabyFitUk will not sell or disclose your contact information to any third party.

Your Privacy, Our Future

We strongly believe that we have the legal right to safeguard the privacy of our users by not collecting their personal information, and to keep doing so.